data start shareware downloads

Search results for «data start»:

TimePuter 3.1 TimePuter 3.1
… e Save calculated data as a text file, or in the clipboard as a number of values as well as a user defined template Calculate all the data considering leap years Calculate from the year 1754 through 9998. Limitations nag screen 30 days trial.… 

CD Start-It Pro 1.5.0 CD Start-It Pro 1.5.0
… e. Here are some key features of "CD Start It Pro": Splash Screen CD Drive Icon PowerPoint Support Auto Start Any File Auto Start Multiple Files Attach Dynamic Link Menus Limitations You are allowed to create only 5 builds.… 

CD Start-It Lite 1.0.2 CD Start-It Lite 1.0.2
…  links that can e-mail, start files, play sounds, and more. Here are some key features of "CD Start It Lite": Splash Screen CD Drive Icon PowerPoint Support Auto Start Any File Limitations You are allowed to create only 5 builds.… 

Fresh Start Professional Edition 2.41 Fresh Start Professional Edition 2.41
… puter using unique intelligent matrix comparisons and logic. Easy to use, but Smart, this tool gives you the ability to improve your system performance, reclaim disk space and tidy up your drives. Requirements No minimum system requirements… 

mySB 2.0 mySB 2.0
…  use to create and edit your very own Start Button. You can even share your Start Button Themes with your friends! Download and try mySB today. The un-registered version comes pre-packaged with several fully operational Start Button Themes.… 

DHS Data Analyzer 2.0 DHS Data Analyzer 2.0
… DHS Data Analyzer will monitor and save all data on the COM port. With many features (baudrate, start/stop bit, databits & parity). Limitations 30 days trial Softpe… 

Start-up 1.0 Start-up 1.0
… Start-up will give an opportunity one pressing to start at once some documents, files or the Internet of pages. The program generates special files which can be placed in any place of system.… 

NewStartMenu 1.00 build 100 NewStartMenu 1.00 build 100
… NewStartMenu can replace your start menu with your own menu, it is easy to use! you can switch between your start menu and windows start can hide your desktop and system tray. Limitations 30 days free trial… 

MindSoft StartUp 1.0 MindSoft StartUp 1.0
… actly what programs are running as you start Windows. Edit, add, erase or modify the default list of programs that is kept in the system register and in INI files, difficult to access to and to handle without programs such as Mindsoft StartUp.… 

Early Start 1.1 Early Start 1.1
… Early Start - A suite of fun learning programs for pre-school and early years… 

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