data inside shareware downloads

Search results for «data inside»:

EIN Pictor 1.01 beta EIN Pictor 1.01 beta
… o hide any data in a way that the viewer(just like ACDSee) does not recognize any difference. Nobody will suspect hidden data inside the picture. This is a good way to protect your data.… 

Inside the Cell 3D Screensaver 1.01.3 Inside the Cell 3D Screensaver 1.01.3
… about their business. You even get to fly by the DNA molecule and see how it reproduces itself. There is no need for powerful magnifying equipment. Inside the Cell 3D screensaver gives you the full package! Limitations 60 sec nag screen… 

3D MATRIX SCREENSAVER: Inside the Matrix 3D MATRIX SCREENSAVER: Inside the Matrix
… loser you'll be able to decipher the code and see what they are like! Features: Full 3D environment 16 Matrix Worlds Digital clock Thrilling Matrix effects Great music FPS counter Password protection True spirit of the Matrix! 3D MAT… 

JRStegano Activex 3.0 JRStegano Activex 3.0
… format the JRStegano picture inside filesystem) comes with complete on-line help and detailed demonstration project in Vb6. Requirements Pentium 100 MHz processor. 16MB memory.… 

Inside Chat Spy 1.9 Inside Chat Spy 1.9
… plorer: IE 5.0 or later, Opera, Mozilla, Avant or Netscape 486 CPU or higher 32 MB RAM 20 MB free disk space Internet Connection Limitations 5 days trial Softped… 

CD-Ejector 1.0 CD-Ejector 1.0
… ide At Windows shutdown, CD-Ejector ejects the CD tray if a CD is left inside. CD can be safely removed. CD-Ejector closes the CD tray and shuts down Windows. Requirements Pentium 4 128MB RAM 16MB Free disk space Microsoft Dot Net Framework… 

HideInPicture 1.1 HideInPicture 1.1
… hide any type of Files inside of Pictures. Your files will be hidden in a place where no one would even think to look. HideInPicture's purpose is to hide any data in a way that the viewer does not recognize any difference. Nobody will suspect hidden data inside the image. You also can create com… 

EZ Lock & Hide 2.1 EZ Lock & Hide 2.1
… ut hidden inside the folder Hide jpg's, gif's, mp3's, etc. Contents or locked and hidden inside any single folder Uses hardly any RAM (Memory) on your PC Zero learning curve Hide passwords text file inside a folder Future Updates are Free… 

Alyuda Forecaster XL 2.13 Alyuda Forecaster XL 2.13
… XL allows you to use neural networks to make forecasts and classifications directly inside your Excel worksheets. You can instantly apply capabilities of neural nets to Excel data, while still retaining all of Excel’s data manipulation tools… 

WordPipe Search Replace 5.9.6 WordPipe Search Replace 5.9.6
… tically skipped Easy to install/uninstall The original file date and time stamp can be preserved. Requirements Microsoft Word 32 MB of memory. Limitations 30 days trial… 

Related: data inside  the inside  you inside  inside the  inside outside