data bound shareware downloads

Search results for «data bound»:

Visual Basic and Databases 2.0 Visual Basic and Databases 2.0
… detailed introduction to using Visual Basic for accessing and maintaining databases for desktop applications. Topics covered include: database structure, database design, Visual Basic project building, the DAO (data access object) data control, data bound controls, proper interface design, stru… 

Quick License Manager 9.2.16299. Quick License Manager 9.2.16299.
… 6, .NET or any programming language that can work with COM objects. Can be used with Delphi and Excel Supports Windows Vista Up to 8 features can be associated with a license key Samples provided in most languages. Limitations 30 days trial… 

Quark ALAP Imposer Pro for Adobe Acrobat 1.0.1 Quark ALAP Imposer Pro for Adobe Acrobat 1.0.1
… an imposition at any page in the document Save frequently used settings as re-usable imposition styles Export and share imposition styles Preview a printer flat Display page boundaries, bleeds, and page numbers in previews Limitations 15… 

FlyGrid.Net FlyGrid.Net
…  types of columns, implementing custom dropdowns (any Windows.Forms control), or custom drawing and keyboard/mouse handling for processing of custom data. Limitations nag screen… 

WebCombo.NET 3.0 SP3 Build 18 WebCombo.NET 3.0 SP3 Build 18
… nput interface which bound to large dataset. Using our proprietarys AJAX technology named FlyPostBack, WebCombo.NET offers your users maximum freedom by allowing them to select multiple records within the combo box search data using wildcard or simpl… 

Serial Device Test Utility Serial Device Test Utility
… wrappers that are used in conjunction with the data sent, creating log files of the session for later viewing, and easily appended carriage return and line feeds. Serial Device Test Utility features the ability to handle constantly streaming data… 

Evolution 0.2.3 Evolution 0.2.3
… mulated through the use of VB.NET datagrids, and Data Sources are inserted into the VB.NET source files. Navigation buttons are generated where needed, and Navigation code implemented. DAO is converted to ADO.NET with a high degree of success.… 

Quark ALAP Imposer Pro 2.6.3 Quark ALAP Imposer Pro 2.6.3
… previews Display page boundaries, bleeds, and page numbers in previews Support tiling Print with standard QuarkXPress controls Limitations 15 day trial… 5.0 5.0
… Render event New security API for restricting access to nodes within dimension complements MSSAS security Ability to change dimension name at run-time through new AddDimNameTranslation function Requirements Visual Studio 2005 and 2.0… 

Euclid 2.0 Euclid 2.0
…  decimal form. For example, it remembers that 1/3 is 1/3, not 0.33333... Thus, (1/3) * 3 = 1, as it should (try this on most digital calculators and you're bound to get the incorrect 0.99999... Euclid also supports matrix operations and sets.… 

Related: data bound  bound  bound and  bound controls  grid bound