data access component shareware downloads

Search results for «data access component»:

Silverleaf .NET Data Access Component 1.0 Silverleaf .NET Data Access Component 1.0
… our Web Config, you will become instantly more productive. There are four distinctive method groups that you can access: SQLClient data provider OLEDB data provider ODBC data provider Oracle data provider Requirements .NET Framework… 

monoASPUpload 1.0 monoASPUpload 1.0
… rm Access to values of all inputs of the HTML-form posted Save files to disk or to a binary field in a database Configurable upload size limit Source code is available in full version Free technical support during 6 months by e-mail… 

FlashInsight Data Export Utilty 1.0 FlashInsight Data Export Utilty 1.0
…  run exports. The component automatically generates vbscript used by DTS in order to format the data correctly. You can override this scripting by setting the formatting options yourself on a field by field basis. Limitations 30 days trial… 

Exe Stuffer ActiveX Component 1.0.0 Exe Stuffer ActiveX Component 1.0.0
… The EXE Stuffer ActiveX component allows you to insert anything into an EXE including files, text data, or binary data. An EXE can then easily access the data previously stuff… 

Advanced Data Import Advanced Data Import
… lp system and a demo application for a quicker mastering of the product Powerful component and property editors, which allow to set many import parameters at the design-time easily Borland Delphi 5-7, 2005, 2006 and Borland C++ Builder 5, 6 support… 

aaxIniFile 1.0.0 aaxIniFile 1.0.0
… rd .ini files; Read / Write string and numeric values; Enumerate sections and keys A standard .ini file has the following format: [section] key=value This component comes with full documentation and many Visual Basic samples.… 

ADEX Registry 2.5.1 ADEX Registry 2.5.1
… tore/retrieve application data without specifying key names. Register/read application paths. Search registry keys/values/data for a string. Do all the above on the local and remote servers. Fast and light. Limitations 15 day trial… 

aaxDriveManager 1.0.0 aaxDriveManager 1.0.0
… and availability; Get drive capacity and free space; Get/Set volume label This component can be used with disk drives, CD-ROM drives, floppy drives, etc. This component comes with full documentation and many Visual Basic samples.… 

Aspose.AdHoc 1.4 Aspose.AdHoc 1.4
…  including: SQL statement, Select statement, Where statement, Order By statement, RowFilter statement, Filtered DataView, Filtered DataTable or Filtered DataSet.… 

SMExport suite for Delphi/CBuilder 4.68 SMExport suite for Delphi/CBuilder 4.68
… Pro - RTF (Rich Text format) - SYLK (Symbolic Link) - DIF (Data Interchange Format) - SQL-script - Paradox/DBase/ASCII files - MS Windows clipboard - other dataset component. SMExport is a native VCL engine with multilanguage support.… 

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