copy and shareware downloads
Search results for «copy and»:
DVDZip Pro 4.0
… DirectX 8.1 or higher, Windows Media player 9.0 above
It will show a registration window at the startup of DVDZip Pro.
The limitation of the unregistered copy of DVDZip Pro is that you can only record 3 mins audio form dvd movies.…
DVDZip Lite 4.0
… rectX 8.1 or higher, Windows Media player 9.0 above
It will show a registration window at the startup of DVDZip Lite.
The limitation of the unregistered copy of DVDZip Lite is that you can only record 3 mins audio form dvd movies.…
DVD Copy Machine 2.1
… 1 file
convert DVD VOB-files to one MPEG2 file
convert DVD VOB-files to one AVI file
use for conversion Audio and Video codecs installed on your computer
2 Mb free disk space
Processor 300 MHz or faster
64 MB of RAM or more…
DVDZip 4.0
… DirectX 8.1 or higher
Windows Media player 9.0 above
It will show a registration window at the startup of DVDZip.
The limitation of the unregistered copy of DVDZip is that you can only record 3 mins video or audio form dvd movies.…
Batch Copy 1.2.155
… different destinations or the same destination folder. Save the selected file list to a single batch file and later you can open that batch file and click a button to copy the list of files again, its that simple.
21-day trial…
Copy Monkey 1.0
… -fit Copy Monkey to the way you work.
And with more efficient copy and pasting, there's no slowing you down.
Registration warning screen
30 day trial…
AoA DVD COPY 2.9.4
… ion. These working copies allow you to play your DVDs on home and computer DVD players every day without the inevitable risk of getting your originals scratched or damaged. You get disc protection with no loss of playback quality.
With simplified copy and burning capabilities, AoA DVD COPY is ide…
File Anti-Copy 3.5
… nge the login username and password.
When you want to copy files, just log in File Anti-copy and set the status "Inactive" and click OK
10 days trial
Copy-Paste Pro
… or needs to use the same text more than once.
Time is money, so save time & money with Copy-Paste Pro!…
DVD X Copy Professional 2.0
… ed or movies you own.
DVD X Copy Professional is a software that allows you recover lost DVD data.
DVD X Copy Professional has an advanced, yet simple to use movie clone engine which will copy almost all of the DVD movies on the market.…
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