conversion ability shareware downloads

Search results for «conversion ability»:

AccelWare Unit Conversion Tool 4.2 AccelWare Unit Conversion Tool 4.2
… e, light, fractions, data transfer, data storage, and more! Features include: high accuracy with support of the number of decimal places to display, ability to save results in log, clean interface with Windows XP themes support and many more.… 

All To MP3 Converter 3.2.6 All To MP3 Converter 3.2.6
… is required. Thus you can quickly and easily convert with this tool every audio file you have just found in folders on your computer or have downloaded from Internet into MP3 format with all possible settings. Limitations startup nag screen… 

myBatchConverter video, audio converter 2.0 myBatchConverter video, audio converter 2.0
… PAL, DVD -NTSC. Has ability search a folder and its sub-folders for files by extension and add them for conversion.. Has ability adjust audio volume from video/audio files Provide a variety of choices in the selection of WMV Profile.… 

All To WMA Converter 1.77 All To WMA Converter 1.77
… itional hard drive space is required. Thus you can quickly and easily convert with this tool every audio file you have just found in folders on your computer or have downloaded from Internet into modern WMA 9 format with all possible settings.… 

AMR Converter Pro 4.0 AMR Converter Pro 4.0
…  use the source file's path for conversion output, overwrite protection (append unique numeric value to the base filename for existing files), deletion of source file(s) after successful conversion, and much more! Limitations 15 days trial… 

Access-MySql 2.5 Access-MySql 2.5
… t for changing "Date/Time" fields data type when converting from Access to MySQL. "DateTime","Date","Time" and "Year" data types are supported. Command line support Support for change Access fields character case in the target MySQL database.… 

Nicepods Conversion Table 1.0 Nicepods Conversion Table 1.0
… -versa. With Nicepods Conversion Tables, all you have to do is to key in the value, choose a conversion type from the drop down list, and click the convert button to get the answer. In this way, you save time. The source code is included in the fu… 

txt2pdf Convert 1.20 txt2pdf Convert 1.20
…  multi-featured program. It's a converter from text files to PDF format files. You can custom the font type and size for the PDF file, set the PDF file page layout and margin values, and more... It also have a batch processing and command line conversion ability. txt2pdf Convert features C… 

McFunSoft PSP Video Converter McFunSoft PSP Video Converter
… an be played on general portable video device such as MP4 player. Requirements Pentium 233 MHz, 64 MB RAM, 50M HD Limitations 30 days trial nag screen 5 minutes limitation… 

Mesh To Solid for AutoCAD 1.0 Mesh To Solid for AutoCAD 1.0
… n it. Mesh To Solid for AutoCAD solves this problem by giving you the ability to convert a mesh to a solid. Mesh To Solid for AutoCAD can read mesh objects from the following file formats: Stereolithography files (*.stl) Wavefront files (*.obj)… 

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