computer bound shareware downloads
Search results for «computer bound»:
Quick License Manager 9.2.16299.
… dd licensing to your software application in less than 1 hour. Sample programs are provided to guide you through the process.
Quick License Manager features
Create Evaluation keys that expire after a set duration or at a specific date.
Create computer bound keys
Use a secure .NET or COM API…
Quark ALAP Imposer Pro for Adobe Acrobat 1.0.1
… an imposition at any page in the document
Save frequently used settings as re-usable imposition styles
Export and share imposition styles
Preview a printer flat
Display page boundaries, bleeds, and page numbers in previews
Quark ALAP Imposer Pro 2.6.3
… previews
Display page boundaries, bleeds, and page numbers in previews
Support tiling
Print with standard QuarkXPress controls
15 day trial…
Visual Basic and Databases 2.0
… Included with the course is free, unlimited support and advice via e-mail.
ability to view and print documents saved in Microsoft Word format (free viewer available for download)
and Visual Basic 5 or 6 Professional Edition…
… types of columns, implementing custom dropdowns (any Windows.Forms control), or custom drawing and keyboard/mouse handling for processing of custom data.
nag screen…
Euclid 2.0
… decimal form.
For example, it remembers that 1/3 is 1/3, not 0.33333... Thus, (1/3) * 3 = 1, as it should (try this on most digital calculators and you're bound to get the incorrect 0.99999...
Euclid also supports matrix operations and sets.…
DWG2ZIP 2005
… ht place.
Xrefs can now be copied and bound automatic.
Unused layers can be deleted.
MAPI Email interface works with Outlook and Groupwise and most other email programs.
Drawings can be batch converted to other AutoCAD dwg versions or DXF…
WebCombo.NET 3.0 SP3 Build 18
… nput interface which bound to large dataset. Using our proprietarys AJAX technology named FlyPostBack, WebCombo.NET offers your users maximum freedom by allowing them to select multiple records within the combo box search data using wildcard or simpl…
Evolution 0.2.3
… mulated through the use of VB.NET datagrids, and Data Sources are inserted into the VB.NET source files. Navigation buttons are generated where needed, and Navigation code implemented. DAO is converted to ADO.NET with a high degree of success.… 5.0
… Render event
New security API for restricting access to nodes within dimension complements MSSAS security
Ability to change dimension name at run-time through new AddDimNameTranslation function
Visual Studio 2005 and 2.0…
Related: computer bound bound and bound grid bound bound controls