compatible archives shareware downloads
Search results for «compatible archives»:
ZipTV 1.16
… gzip archives. Supports gzip/tar format.
TLha - Create lha archives.
TJar - Create jar archives (JavaSoft's .jar format).
TCab - Create Microsoft cabinet archives.
TTar - Create unix compatible .tar archives.
TZip - Create pkzip and Winzip compatible archives, incl. AES encryption and BZIP…
BackUp32 2.0
… sword protection, .BAK files creation, support for commentaries and descriptions, lists of 'included', 'excluded' and 'excluded from compression' files, fast compression speed, nice interface and many options that affect the resulting archive.…
DFIncBackup Professional 2.98
… l hard disk, network
Quick restore with archives manager
Flexible tuning as root folders as sub folders
Internal scheduler
Reduce CPU loading by "Program priority" option
Command line support
Log file viewer
30 days trial…
Advanced RAR Repair 1.2
… AR archives as large as 16777216 TB (i.e. 17179869184 GB).
Support integration with Windows Explorer, so you can repair a RAR archive with the context menu of Windows Explorer easily.
Support drag & drop operation.
Support command line parameters.…
Zip Password Recovery Key 6.5
… n Plaintext or Dictionary attacks are used to recover the password. Fast brute-force attack - up to 3,500, passwords per second on an average P-II system.
The demo version only recovers passwords that are no longer than 2 characters.…
SuperCool Multiple ZIP 1.00
… d folders in one operation, and also unzip selected compressed files stored in different archives at once.
List compressed files in many archives at once
Supports PKZip Zip64 format, uncompressed, compressed, and archive file sizes can be up to 2…
Turbo ZIP Cracker 1.4
… rted)
Assignment of Min and Max password length
Password recovery progress bar
Convenient user interface
Full install/uninstall support
Passwords longer than 4 characters cannot be recovered
Dictionary search mode is unavailable…
Visual Power Zip 3.2.0.B
… ve entire directory trees
Save full paths in Archive for later restore
Easy to use visual interface
High compression ratios
Self Extracting Archives do not need VPZ installed
Password protection of your Archives
Comprehensive help screens…
Ziperello 2.3
… password search:
Brute-Force Attack with the ability to determine a custom set of characters (charset)
Dictionary Attack with the word mutation option
Template-based Attack with flexible charset settings for every symbol in password template.…
AX-ZIP Finder 1.0
… exclusion.
Simultaneous work with several archives.
One drag extraction of files from archive.
Support of drag and drop technology.
Display of archive structure as a tree.
Familiar exlorer-like user interface.
30 days trial…
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