church administration software shareware downloads
Search results for «church administration software»:
Church Music Master 2002 1.0
… why so many music ministers around the country and the world trust Church Music Master to organize their music programs. Compare us to other products and you'll be convinced. It's simply the best value for your money.
30 days trial.…
309,000 US Church data 1.0
… ost affordable list of US churches that one could possibly obtain. Data is accurate and has been compiled in a period of 6 months. List includes Church name 2 contact person Address, city, state and zip code At least one phone number Email, Web addre…
Donarius 2.86
… re done and have fewer headaches? Then Donarius Church Management Software is for you.
Donarius features
Church Management
Donor Management
Donation Tracking
Pledge Tracking
30-day trial
no receipt printing
1-email sending…
Church Secretary Professional Edition 2.0
… eports allow for emailing or exporting data in a variety of formats.
In addition to recording membership, attendance, contribution and visitation records, church library inventory and a prayer request database makes the program even more valuabl…
Church of the Saviour on the Spilled Blood 3D 1.0
… isitors as far back as the 19th century!
Decorated with hundreds of icons and frescoes, painted by most skillful artists, with unique domes it creates an architectural ensemble of the whole city!
Nag screen in unregistered version…
Church 3D screensaver 1.01.3
… . Feel the presence of the Spirit in these walls as you get to fly around this holy place as if you yourself acquired wings.
There's Light coming through the windows and the open doors. His kingdom is near!
Limitations 60 sec nag screen…
Church Secretary 32 2010
It also allows for storing digital photos of both families and individual members, if desired, to produce pictorial member directories.
New importing options, new backup and restore feature, new report builder and improved query wizards.…
Easy Church Membership 10.0
… endar - assign resources. schedule and print your church events.
Use the Outreach Manager to involve your church in evangelism.
Backup and restore functions.
Network enabled allowing the program to be used on a simple or complex computer network.…
Church Office Manager
… ry participation is made easy with the capability to track each lay ministry activity
It has been designed with religious organizations in mind
Online help system and a printable user guide
It's even affordable
30 days trial…
MembDataCHURCH 1.0
… y of personalized reports and mailing labels can be printed. Backups in ZIP format can be easily made on various drives including a FTP server. Data can be easily exchanged amoung various co-workers of the church.
45 day trial…
Related: church administration software church administration church software software church church calendar software