change properties shareware downloads
Search results for «change properties»:
Change Properties Now! 1.4
… tool which allows to change file attributes in an easy and fast way.
You can select sets of files from different locations or select entire folders and subfolders.
Indludes an option to prevent files with a particular extension to be modified.
change properties Now! is very useful when you…
File Properties Changer 1.74
… files in folder. Program helps to modify file attributes (Read-only, Archive, Hidden, System).
30 days trial…
Physical Properties 1.1
… seous, liquid and solid species (TP, HP, and SP), according to U.S. customary and International units.
The user has the posibility do quick look ups of physical properties for different input values.
Not all features are available…
Aspose.Project 1.4
… ad, change and write Microsoft Project® documents.
Read standard document properties (Title, Author, Creation date, Comments, Keywords, etc.).
Read and change Tasks, Recurring Tasks, Resources, Resource Assignments, Relations and Calendars.…
Lundlay Property Browser 1.0
… add new ones
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 98, Microsoft Windows NT 4.0, Microsoft Windows 2
Compilation means and libraries: Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0, WTL Version 3.0 (Windows Template Library)
30 days trial…
WASP -Water And Steam Properties 2.0.36
… s but covers many more properties and eliminates the need to interpolate between data points. WASP has context sensitive on-line Help.
The calculated data points match published data very closely. This program can be used to calculate physical pr…
QRCode 2D Barcode ActiveX 3.0
… o Project | Components and Controls | Registered ActiveX Controls, select the "MW6QRCode Class" from the list of available ActiveX Controls, then you can drag and drop it in the application. Right click on it to view or change the properties.…
FlexRent 1.5.2
… customize the payment confirmation invoice with your company's information
Search all records in any field
Filter properties that meet specific criteria - such as properties with a weekly summer rate less than $1,000 (which would be entered as "…
ActiveX Windows NT/2000 group and account UserManager 2.03
… ies
Name, Password and Account policy
Fullname, Comment
Last Logon, Logoff, Number of logons
Enable, Disable, Unlock
RAS (dialin) properties
Script path, Home dir, Profile
Change password
Logon hours
LogonUser / RevertToSelf…
medi@morph 2.06
… ample properties.
medi@morph is a software that modify frame rate and add special effect filter.
It can help you convert, manage and modify your media file collection into the AVI Motion JPEG video editing format.
30 days…
Related: change properties change properties and fonts properties quite properties for tag properties