archived items shareware downloads

Search results for «archived items»:

Recovozaur 1.0 Recovozaur 1.0
… c.). It comes as a complement to this tools in order that the developer is able to recover its data in case of an overwrite/unwanted data change/power fail. Recovozaur features Automatic content archiving Item list (explorer tree view like) for archived items selection Unlimited number of arc… 

ClickPalette 1.0.38 ClickPalette 1.0.38
… ssing software, spreadsheets, etc! Archived text retains your font, font size and any other rich text characteristics. Ideal for credit card numbers, passwords, and any canned comments. Compact design stays on top of other applications.… 

Email Archiver 3.2 Email Archiver 3.2
… ate an archived email, a web mail services facility to enable you to add a new email service, an administrator to allow you to manage your archive and an email facility to enable you to reply to an archived email. Limitations Limited Trial… 

Disk Auditor Net 2.4 Disk Auditor Net 2.4
… rtant file statistics for specific directories such as no. modified files, no. new files, no. deleted files, and no. archived files. Learn of deleted and new directories. Find problem users in the blink of an eye! Build informative queries and gr… 

Easy Catalog 1.0.4 Easy Catalog 1.0.4
… e customer has only to answer the questions asked. Once generated the catalog the customer can, in simple way, insert the characteristics of the items, their images and technical descriptions. Limitations You can't insert more thant 10 items.… 

CDCollector 1.0 CDCollector 1.0
… ter, the program lets you to browse and search for files and asks you to insert the CD when you want to open or copy a file or folder. The main benefits of this software are found in large collections of backup disks, magazines CDs and other soft… 

Just Ship IT 1.1 Just Ship IT 1.1
… er organisations the application is networkable so that customers and orders can be maintained by a number of machines, the end result is a highly scaleable application to cope with your increasing business requirements. Limitations 15 day trial… 

RAR IFilter 1.0 RAR IFilter 1.0
… Desktop Search, Indexing Service and Windows File Search. Requirements Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows XP or Windows 2003 Limitations 30 days trial… 

Archivarius Archivarius
… cover forgotten password for zip archives. Restoring damaged archives. Association of file extensions with the program for opening by double clicking of the mouse. Integration of the program with Windows Explorer. Limitations 30 days trial… 

RRD Editor 0.5.3 RRD Editor 0.5.3
… on Win32 platforms. RRD Editor features View RRD contents Save modified RRDs Add / Delete datasources Add / Delete RRA's Spike Detection / Removal Export RRDs to csv file Export RRDs to spreadsheet Limitations some features are disabled… 

Related: archived items  archived for  archived  the archived  archived mail