3 d graph shareware downloads

Search results for «3 d graph»:

Merlin Graph Components 2 Merlin Graph Components 2
… rs, and change colors on the bar depending on the current value. The included example demonstrates how to change values on the charts and graphs, as well as adding/removing items from the graphs and charts. Limitations 15 days evaluation trial… 

Mind Graph Ebook 2.3 Mind Graph Ebook 2.3
… kes the best things of two world: mind maps (visual clarity) and concept maps (semantic). Mind Graph Ebook ahs got methods of searching of information and zoom effects. I used this method to resolve my own problems (computer science problems).… 

GraphPaper 1.0 GraphPaper 1.0
… GraphPaper is an application that allows you create and keep as many Graph Pages as you want. GraphPaper features Print out plain graph pages. 3 sizes of Graph Paper - 1/4" - 3/8" - 1/2"… 

GetData Graph Digitizer 2.22 GetData Graph Digitizer 2.22
… ve/open workspace, which allows to save the work and return to it later; obtained data can be copied to the clipboard; export to the formats: TXT (text file), XLS (MS Excel), XML, DXF (AutoCAD) and EPS (PostScript). Limitations 21 days trial… 

Graph Plotter 1.2.3 Graph Plotter 1.2.3
… nd oblique asymptotes (only for y(x), x(y)). Finds break points (only for y(x), x(y)). Finds and plots extremums (only for y(x), x(y)). Plots graphs of derivative of function. Calculates and draws normal and tangent lines to a function at… 

Graph ZX 3.11 Graph ZX 3.11
… ts. A number of background animation effects come standard or make your own. Limitations The program will run in evaluation mode which is fully functional but graphs will include a SAMPLE message on the graphs until a registration key is entered… 

Graph FAWM 1.3 Graph FAWM 1.3
… nd points of intersection Displays asymptotes, gradients and derivatives Inequations Definite integrals Piecewise functions Find solutions to linear programming problems Animate variables to draw families of graphs Limitations 30 days trial… 

Functions 1.00 Functions 1.00
… lso copy the graph to the clipboard, which you can then paste where you please (Word, Paint, etc.). You have one-click control of the graph with zooming, panning, centering, etc. Includes a help file with instructions, example and methodology.… 

Flipper Graph ASP 2.5 Flipper Graph ASP 2.5
… te/Time data support - Data connectivity Stability and Performance: - Award winning architecture - Image caching - Binary image streaming - Superior time to last byte and requests per second - Free online technical support… 

3D Graph Generator 2.6.0 3D Graph Generator 2.6.0
…  Utilises the power of Microsoft DirectX Requirements 3D hardware accelerated video card Intel or AMD processor (minimum of 1GHz recommended) Mouse with wheel recommended Sound card with speakers recommended Limitations 30 days trial… 

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